
Optimal Quality Control with the PotatoCam 

The PotatoCam is essentially the same machine as the OnionCam and can be used for potatoes and onions. The main difference compared to the SproutCam, which has to sort smaller products, is the singulation. For this, a different size has been developed that fits the potato as an end product. The V-belt and the diabolo roller mechanism work the same after singulation. Each separated potato is photographed, and the programmed software then recognizes which exit the potato should be transported to. The machine not only distinguishes good potatoes from bad ones but can also sort by size.


  • the potato doesn't stay still but rolls through the part of the machine with cameras, allowing 16 different views of the potato;
  • the PotatoCam not only uses top cameras but also works with side cameras;
  • Artificial Intelligence ensures the recognition of specific defects in potatoes;
  • potatoes can then be separated by defect;
  • the machine sorts into three output streams as standard, with a fourth stream optionally possible;
  • for every x number of potatoes, the system shows which defects were found and how large their percentage is relative to the total;
  • the PotatoCam has a high capacity with 16 tons of seed potatoes per hour;
  • this machine also has an extra option, where a Near-Infrared Technology Module (NIR) can be added to detect internal defects.

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Customer experiences:

"Potatoes that show defects on the outside - scab, rot, or growth cracks - were easy enough to remove manually in our existing setup. But this way of working took an incredible amount of time. On top of that, the average Dutch person doesn't want to do this kind of work. The sharpness of the human eye is not the same in the morning as it is in the afternoon. This has led to rejections of batches, and that's not pleasant.

I'm only talking about what we could see with our own eyes on the conveyor belt, and not even about all the other problems that can occur with potatoes. After a visit to one of the locations where I could see a PotatoCam at work, I knew immediately: this is what we need. Not just for now, but also for the future.​

A big advantage of this machine is that it can also optically sort out potatoes that are too fine. Fine seed potato sizes are more expensive than coarser sizes. Our shock sorter can incorrectly sort up to 5% of the potatoes into a coarser size. If you calculate that on an annual basis, you could easily miss out on 15,000 euros due to incorrect size sorting. The PotatoCam corrects this size deviation by optically ejecting them into a separate exit.

The greatest added value for us: cost reduction through less manual labor, greater capacity during the harvest season, and the better quality of the end product that ultimately goes to market. I think we can continue with the PotatoCam for many years to come!"

PotatoCam: Revolutionizing Potato Sorting

Watch our cutting-edge PotatoCam in action. These videos demonstrate its high-speed sorting, precision defect detection, and impressive 16-ton per hour capacity. See how AI and advanced imaging technology can transform your potato processing, boosting efficiency and quality.

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