Experts in agricultural efficiency
TechNature Consultancy is suitable for any company dealing with natural products from the agricultural sector that wants to approach cultivation, sorting, or packaging more efficiently or in a more targeted manner.
Our consultants visit your location and map out the currently used methods to expose bottlenecks and come up with customized solutions. This way, we work together to optimize a malfunctioning or non-functioning machine (IS situation) to create the desired situation (SHOULD situation). This involves using innovative imaging technology and new camera techniques with software tailored to the agro-product.
The target group that TechNature provides consultancy advice to is not limited to companies active in the flower, egg, vegetable, and fruit sectors. We also work on projects with machine builders, specialized research centers and universities, start-ups, growers, and breeders.
The TechNature team is curious about off-the-beaten-path solutions for the agro-industry where Vision & Robotics play a major role. In addition to our standard products, we continue to contribute with great passion for new technology to the creation of advanced machines for non-standard situations.